PredictLeads now provides four main datasets. News Events, Hiring Intent, Technologies and Key Customer data.
Key Customer data is our newest addition. As the name implies it provides key customer data for a given company. Eg. who are their customers, partners, sponsors, vendors, investors etc. We’re able to get this data by searching through news articles, blogs, case-studies pages, testimonials, “Our customer” sections and more.
We go as far as to use image recognition to connect a logo on a given website to a domain name it belongs to.
Key Customer data is served via clean APIs, with same structure as our other three endpoints. We follow best practices from
Besides using APIs data can also be provided via Flat Files or Webhooks.
If you’re interested in checking it out simply sign up here: and you’ll find an API key in the settings.
Documentation for the Key Customer data can be found here:
For more details please reach out to and we’ll be happy to help!
Cheers, Roq