Hey everyone! 👋

We’ve got some exciting news for all you sales pros out there. Our team at PredictLeads has put together a list of 1,000 sales job openings.

We’re sharing it with you in a Google Sheet right here: 

This list isn’t just any list. It’s especially useful for people selling LushaSalesforceLinkedIn Sales NavigatorHubSpotSalesIntel.ioLeadGenius, and other sales tools.

Here’s why you might find it handy:

  • See which companies are hiring for sales roles and might be interested in what you’re selling.
  • Use the data to make your marketing efforts more specific and effective.
  • Spot hiring trends that could lead to new opportunities for your business.

What can you expect in the shared file:

  • Job openings Title
  • Website domain 
  • Company Ticker 
  • Companies Meta Description 
  • & Much more

And if you’re really into data, we’ve got something special for you. We have a massive database with over 157 million job listings.
You can dive into this data or use our API to get the insights you need directly.

We’re making a new list of job openings perfect for people at big companies like PwCEYKPMG, and Accenture. Want to find a great role? Let us know what you’re looking for.

Got questions or want more info? Email us at info@predictleads.com 

💜 Stay awesome!💜