Tag: lead generation

Boost Your Lead Generation and Email Campaigns with Connections Dataset

Hey everyone!

In sales, finding and engaging the right prospects can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Sending non personalized outreach is just a thing of the past and companies offering sales solutions are looking into data to add that personalized touch that increases those reply rates that we all like.

Job Openings Dataset as well as the News Events Dataset are incredibly useful and widely adopted for uncovering new leads and improving sales outreach. However, there is a unique dataset that is gaining significant attention. This dataset, which is not yet widely used due to its limited availability, holds great potential for transforming sales strategies. Here is why:

We all know that companies like to put logos of other companies they work with, on their website to gain credibility. Since those logos are often not backlinked, PredictLeads has built an image recognition system that connects these logos with company domain names. By checking the company’s Case studies pages, testimonials, “Our customers” sections and more allows PredictLeads systems to identify them as customers, partners, vendors, sponsors and more.

Here’s a quick rundown of how the Connections Dataset can revolutionize your sales efforts and how it’s used to target High-Value Prospects.

Identifying and Prioritizing Key Prospects

First up, let’s talk about finding those high-value prospects. With the Connections Dataset, you can pinpoint companies that already have significant relationships with your existing clients or partners. This means they’re more likely to convert because there’s already some trust and relevance built in.

How to Do It:

  1. Analyze Data: Dive into the Connections Dataset to find companies that share multiple connections with your current network.
  2. Prioritize Prospects: Rank these companies based on the number and quality of shared connections.
  3. Sales Outreach: Focus your efforts on these high-value prospects. Make sure to highlight the mutual connections and the benefits of joining an established network.

Example: A SaaS company finds that several of its clients are partners with a leading industry player. By targeting this player and emphasizing the mutual benefits, they can craft a top notch outreach that’s hard to ignore.

Next, let’s make your emails shine

Personalized outreach campaigns are the way to go because they address the specific needs of each recipient. By referencing the target company’s partnerships or integrations, your emails can be way more relevant and engaging.

How to Do It:

  1. Gather Insights: Use the Connections Dataset to get detailed insights into the target company’s partnerships and integrations.
  2. Personalize Emails: Craft email content that references these relationships, making it super relevant.
  3. Automate Personalization: Use AI tools to scale this personalization process, ensuring each email is tailored to the recipient’s context.

Example: An AI-powered email platform identifies a potential client’s recent partnership with an e-commerce platform like Shopify. They send a personalized email campaign highlighting success stories of similar clients who benefited from this integration. Boom -> relevance and appeal.

Warm Introductions through Mutual Connections

Finally, let’s talk about using mutual connections for warm introductions. These can significantly boost your chances of successful engagement. The Connections Dataset can help you leverage existing relationships to approach leads with more trust and credibility.

How to Do It:

  1. Map Networks: Use the ConnectionsDataset to map out mutual connections between your company and target leads.
  2. Request Introductions: Reach out to these mutual connections for warm introductions, explaining the mutual benefits.
  3. Follow-Up Strategy: Develop a follow-up strategy that leverages the credibility of the mutual connection.

Example: A lead generation company finds that one of its key clients is also a partner of a high-value prospect. They request an introduction from the key client, who provides a warm referral, significantly improving engagement chances.

Utilizing AI for Enhanced Personalization & amplify the Impact with automation

AI can take your use of the ConnectionsDataset to the next level by automating the analysis and personalization processes. Here are some tips: 

  1. Automated Analysis: AI analyzes the dataset to identify patterns and insights, like high-value prospects and mutual connections.
  2. Scale Personalization: AI personalizes email content at scale by incorporating insights from the dataset into email templates.
  3. Predictive Analytics: AI uses historical data to predict which prospects are most likely to convert, helping prioritize efforts.
  4. Continuous Learning: AI systems learn from campaign outcomes, refining algorithms to improve future personalization and targeting.

Example Implementation:

An AI-powered email platform integrates with the Connections Dataset, analyzing the dataset to identify key relationships and generating personalized email content. It predicts which prospects will respond positively and continuously refines its personalization algorithms.


Since 2019, over 170 million business connections have been detected, with business connections data available for 38,5 million websites. Last month alone, there were approximately 12 million business connections, and around 57 million over the past year. The Connections Dataset is a goldmine for lead generation companies and those using AI for personalized emails. By providing detailed insights into company relationships, it helps you target high-value prospects, create relevant and engaging email campaigns, and leverage mutual connections for credible engagements. Combined with AI, it automates these processes and achieves personalization at scale, leading to higher engagement rates and better sales outcomes.

Feel free to let us know if you or if you’d like to learn more about it. We’re here to help:)!

💜How Blueprint Supercharges Sales with PredictLeads Data💜

Navigating the sales landscape with data isn’t just about collecting information – It’s about turning it into actionable insights. This is exactly what Blueprint has mastered using PredictLeads.

🤘Let’s dive into how they do it. 🤘

Data at Work: Real Insights, Real Growth

Blueprint uses PredictLeads to perform deep technographic scoring, analyzing data on 500 new technologies each week. This isn’t just about knowing what’s out there -> it’s about predicting market trends and identifying emerging competitors, providing a clear advantage in crafting timely and relevant sales pitches.

Jordan Crawford, the founder of Blueprint, puts it simply: “It’s not about having more data, but about having the right data that you can actually use.” This is where PredictLeads shines, offering depth with actionable insights.

Key Stats and Strategic Decisions

With PredictLeads, Blueprint isn’t just collecting data -they’re strategically deploying it.

Here’s how:

  • Job Openings Data: By analyzing the hiring trends of potential clients, Blueprint can pinpoint when companies are expanding and tailor their pitches to meet these growth phases.
  • Technology Adoptions: Tracking 636 million technology adoptions helps Blueprint stay ahead, suggesting when companies are likely to need their cutting-edge solutions.

A Relationship Built on Success

Blueprint’s partnership with PredictLeads goes beyond data. It’s about continuous support and collaboration, which Crawford describes as unparalleled. “PredictLeads always finds a way to make it happen,” he says, emphasizing the personalized support that helps Blueprint leverage data effectively.

For those eager to dive deeper into this use-case, you can check it out here.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at: info@predictleads.com

We are here to help:)!

💜Stay Awesome💜
PredictLeads team

💜 Supercharge Your Sales Career: 1,000 New Opportunities Await! 💜

Hey everyone! 👋

We’ve got some exciting news for all you sales pros out there. Our team at PredictLeads has put together a list of 1,000 sales job openings.

We’re sharing it with you in a Google Sheet right here: 

This list isn’t just any list. It’s especially useful for people selling LushaSalesforceLinkedIn Sales NavigatorHubSpotSalesIntel.ioLeadGenius, and other sales tools.

Here’s why you might find it handy:

  • See which companies are hiring for sales roles and might be interested in what you’re selling.
  • Use the data to make your marketing efforts more specific and effective.
  • Spot hiring trends that could lead to new opportunities for your business.

What can you expect in the shared file:

  • Job openings Title
  • Website domain 
  • Company Ticker 
  • Companies Meta Description 
  • & Much more

And if you’re really into data, we’ve got something special for you. We have a massive database with over 157 million job listings.
You can dive into this data or use our API to get the insights you need directly.

We’re making a new list of job openings perfect for people at big companies like PwCEYKPMG, and Accenture. Want to find a great role? Let us know what you’re looking for.

Got questions or want more info? Email us at info@predictleads.com 

💜 Stay awesome!💜

Company intelligence data in your Sales enablement platform

You’re already aware that the more insights and data you have on your prospects, the better. Exactly how could you take advantage of this data and how could it be integrated into your sales enablement platform?

Sales enablement platforms are without a doubt incredibly valuable to sales teams. They have endless use cases as illustrated in the “SalesTech Landscape” below – such as engaging clients with smart messaging tools, improving productivity with easy to use sales resources, identifying leads and scoring them, and of course, the CRM that helps you stay on top of customers and prospects.

In the CRM, all the information you have on your customers should be tracked, which can be made manually by the SDR itself or automated using a 3rd party system. Data like company name, contact information and demographics is usually logged into the CRM and creates a long lead list of prospects. For sales teams to become successful they usually need more information than this. Here’s how sales intelligence like company intelligence data can enrich sales enablement platforms and improve the performance of SDRs using it:

Personalized Outreach

All SDRs have heard the importance of being personal. No prospect wants to listen to some robot pitching their idea without knowing a single thing about them, their company or understanding what value their product can give them.  

PredictLeads can provide insights to increase Personalization such as: 

  • News Events alerts like “Company X receives Y Award” can give you an icebreaker to open up the conversation by congratulating them and letting them know you did your homework. 
  • Key Customers data insights can help you identify if you and the customer share the same partners or clients to build familiarity and trust. 

Sales Triggers

Imagine you have this very long list of leads in your CRM. You start making phone calls from the top but cannot seem to move the deal forward even though you’re having great rapport with prospects. The most likely reason is you’re not reaching out to the right prospects, the ones that are in the buy mode. Companies are not always looking to invest in products for many reasons. Maybe they’re already satisfied with what they have, or they don’t  currently have the budget to invest in new software or the product that you’re selling. With sales triggers you can identify companies with signals indicative of growth – meaning the company is more likely to invest. 

Examples of Sales Triggers PredictLeads provide are: 

  • Company signs new client.
  • Company launches new product. 
  • Company received financing.
  • Company increases headcount. 
  • Company made a new integration. 
  • Company expands facilities.

Targeting Leads

When sourcing for leads, most CRMs provides search functions with filters that help you target the right prospects. With more company data you can advance these search filters to create a more targeted approach. The more filters you can use, the better you can target prospects matching your ideal target persona.

How PredictLeads data can be used as filters for Targeting: 

  • Technologies used in the company can help you identify prospects that are more likely to have an interest in buying your product. For example, if you’re selling a Salesforce extension product you’d want to target companies that are actually using Salesforce. 
  • Companies Hiring for X category, if you’re selling a Marketing automation product you can filter companies hiring for Marketing category as they’re more likely to have a need for your product. 

These are just a few examples on how company intelligence data can be integrated into your CRM or other sales enablement tools, and I’m sure there are hundreds more creative ways. One thing is for certain though – sales teams will benefit from using this data, because it’ll be doing all the research for them. This means that they can focus on what brings them most value – selling.


Segment leads via different data sets

We’re proud to announce our newly developed system for uncovering and segmenting leads. You can take advantage of the following segments to create perfectly tailored lead lists.

Segment by companies that are:

  • hiring for specific talent (dev, marketing, sales, …)
  • use specific products: Saleforce, Oracle, SAP …
  • Companies that promote different forward-thinking methodologies: agile development, data driven development, are into content marketing, customer success, prospecting …
  • experienced specific events recently: launched products, received funding, expanded offices, invested into assets, developed new apps, relocated headquarters, made leadership changes…
  • led by key contacts you want to target (CTO, CMO, co-founders …)

Lead list segmentation


Why is all this important? Because now you can generate much more personalised emails and unearth prospects through lead activities that were hard to automatically track before. We use natural language processing and machine learning to unearth the above found data. Data is nicely structured and you could go ahead and not just pick companies that had leadership changes, but only those that changed CTOs or you could define what kind of products companies you are targeting they have launched: mobile, web, payments …

Your picked audience will be super targeted and your messaging very tailored. Meaning you’ll send less spam and more emails to the companies that would truly benefit from using your product. Which sales should be all about. Selling to those companies that need your products most and thus saving everyone lots of time with badly targeted leads.

As Max Altschuler points out in his book Hacking Sales you can segment companies or lead lists by criteria such as firmographic data (location, num of employees, revenue …) and with tools like Datanyze also segment these lists by technologies.

PredictLeads adds new dimension to this kind of segmentation. With tracking events found on blogs, news sites and job openings using sophisticated machine learning algorithms, we allow you to target companies on a very granular basis.

For sure you won’t be able to produce lead lists that are tens of thousands of prospects long. But this is exactly the point … These are your spear accounts as Jason Lemkin puts it. The leads of high value and big ROI. We don’t recommend adding them to fully automated drip campaigns but rather using supervised and tailored messaging to each of these accounts. The benefits will be well worth it.

Happy selling! 🙂


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